Old Pederneira City Hall


Old Pederneira City Hall

The Old Pederneira City Hall in Nazaré was built in the 16th century at a time when the town of Pederneira belonged to the administration of the Monastery of Alcobaça and was the seat of the municipality.

The building functioned as Paços do Concelho da Pederneira until 1855, and was subsequently renovated.

When the municipality of Pederneira was extinguished, the Old Town Hall of Pederneira started to have other diverse functions, highlighting its use as a butcher, but also as a court, jail or even as a primary school.

Antiga Casa da Câmara da Pederneira, Pederneira, Nazaré

The pediment with national arms above the main door is an exceptional testimony to the importance of this heritage.

In the 20th century, Pederneira was integrated as a parish in the municipality of Nazare and the building was to be classified as a Monument of Municipal Interest in 1978 due to its historical importance and its architectural virtues.

In an attempt to safeguard the building, it was requalified in 2005, and has since been prepared to host cultural events.

Be sure to visit a building full of history and culture.

In the center of the square you can contemplate the Pelourinho da Pederneira and on the right side the Church of Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Pederneira.

Still in Pederneira, the Parish Church of Pederneira deserves a visit.

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